What is the Orchard of Wisdom

Why do we like to support those who are trying to make a difference in the lives of others? Because in doing so, we are helping people and communities from all walks of life, find their own inner self-discovery into a more enriched life of personal abundance. 

How does that help the world? It uplifts us into a higher vibration of compassion, kindness, abilities, and love. When we choose to embrace the possible and stand up taller in our own lives, we are inspiring others around us to do the same. Good vibrations are in the joy of living a meaningful purposeful and in service of others’ life that truly enriches everyone. 

Life has meaning when you step into love, inner love, and a love of life. So many have had major challenges in living in a life of love or even trust, and we aim to help them find that inner love and to understand just how awesome they really are. Life is happening for us, even in the unpleasant times, but when we choose to leave behind the pain suffering, and anguish, we discover that life has so much joy and love to share with us.

The incredible people that Self Discovery Orchard of Wisdom brings each week in our shows, are here to help those on a journey of self-discovery and who wish to have help in navigating that life’s journey. 

Their illumination comes from the fact they have faced their fear, their obstacles and have been willing to go through the process of healing. Now in that state of beingness, they are guiding others on the same journey with the skills and tools they learned along the way so that we all can step into a life of meaningful service of love and light. 

By supporting us, you are supporting them and in turn supporting our Fund-Action program, which subsidizes those who need a helping hand in their own self-discovery. I invite you to look at our Fund-Action program to see how it works. 

Your monthly subscription helps us keep going with these shows, and the Podcast-Books helps us bring this book to you that will help our children. 

Thank you for all your support and encouragement.



By Sara

Welcome to the Orchard of Wisdom Podcasts Community where with Self Discovery Media we bring you knowledgable people who are dedicated to illuminating and inspiring those who are in a transition in their lives. Here you will find the Podcasts and people who wish to support and guide you on your life’s journey to one of enlightenment, enrichment, and personal abundance.

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